Missouri AT Call to Action
AT Call to Action: MoATA Sponsorship of Brain Injury Association Programming
The MoATA calls upon our member ATs and supporters to share the this important Brain Injury Association Programming with teachers, coaches, athletic administrators, and anyone else who works with youth sports. MoATA has sponsored this event to raise awareness and increase access to this information by youth sport stakeholders.
Titled, "Sports Concussions: Facts, Fallacies and New Frontiers 2021", The Brain Injury Association of Missouri program will be held in a virtual format that will allow teachers, coaches, and other school personnel who may not be able to get away during a school day to hear from experts on developments in concussion management. This will include four 30–60-minute sessions available on demand starting in January and a live "Concussion Discussion" to answer questions and fill in the gaps (in early February). Space is limited. So register today!
Attendance is FREE, but registration is required
The keynote session is an introduction to ‘Get Schooled on Concussion’, an innovative tool for teachers to identify helpful academic adjustments for any student who has a concussion. All Missouri schools will have access to this on-line, interactive tool for a year.
Again, we are asking our MoATA members to go to https://www.biamo.org/services/ and click on the link for the program for more information and registration. To honor this call to action please do the following:
- Share this eblast information with your local principals, superintendents, athletic directors, teachers, coaches and youth sport/recreation directors
- Like AND share or retweet any social media post you see regarding the event
- Alert your local media about the program (newspaper, radio, television news, and/or tag them in your social media)
- Utilize your professional networks and connections to promote the programming.
Get Schooled on Concussion https://www.getschooledonconcussions.com/ Thank you to all our MoATA members in advance tor your willingness to take on this call to action in effort to educate and further enhance the safety and well-being of our youth sport participants.